سوپرمن , SUPERMAN and Nabil Fawzi

In the late 60's Superman was introduced to Arabic reading audiences. Unlike Persian, there is no letter "P" in arabic so the  B ب was used unlike in Persian where a P پ  exists .  Dont worry this goes the other way around as well, with so many letters not found in the english language when translating...  In addition to the name modification, Clark Kent became Nabil Fawzi.   Interesting how the graphics are more artistic as a result of less writing clutter that is normally seen in the English versions. The  April 1970 issue Aramco  gives further details "Another problem had to do with the distressing fact that Arabic reads from right to left instead of left to right and that kids in the Middle East open the comic book at what in western countries would be the back. That meant that the filmed reproductions of the original art work had to be reversed before printing plates could be made, a process that immediately produced a basket of letters from curious kids who wanted to know why the "S" on Superman's costume was backwards.Because Arabic is a language that tends to run on at sometimes extravagant length, IP also had difficulties with translation. Until translators and calligraphers (who inscribe the translated text right onto the filmed copies of the original artwork) got the hang of it, the crisp English, neatly fitted into the "balloons", often expanded into enough text to fill a pamphlet." In addition here is another newspaper outlining some of the original challenges in the attempt to connect the differing cultures.


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